
Don't Stop Imagining. The Day That You Do Is The Day That You Die

17 youth lagoon abergseyeview fantasy books erik berg

I’ve always loved books. Growing up I would speed through (or neglect) school work so that I could read whatever book I was engrossed in. When I was a kid, you could find me curled up in the corner of our couch in our living room reading for hours on end. I wasn’t anti-social. In fact, I am very much a social extravert, but I’ve struggled with social anxiety throughout my life— the irony is not lost on me— and books were always a safe haven that I could escape into. I especially loved fantasy and science fiction books.

I believe that a proper appreciation for fiction is sorely lacking in today’s modern society. Fiction is viewed as “fun” reading and not useful or practical in any way.

I couldn’t disagree more strongly.

First of all, what is wrong with doing something for enjoyment? Are we really so focused on productivity that we can’t do something for the sake of doing it? But more than that, I think fiction is absolutely valuable to the development and maintenance of a healthy person.

Fiction is an abstraction that allows us to discuss and grapple with things that are very, very real. Which is easier to understand: The heroism of a knight slaying a dragon or the heroism of a mother working two jobs to support her children? Both are heroic, but the abstraction of fiction allows us to interact with ideas in a more concrete and objective way than when we face them in real life. Joseph Campbell discusses mythology as the mirror by which our ego is able to view and judge itself. Fiction allows us to take a step outside of ourselves to see things as they are. It asks questions of us and demands answers in a way that so often be ignored in “real” life.

Famed fantasy author Ursula Le Guin has an excellent topic on the subject called Why are American’s Afraid of Dragons?. Le Guin discusses her belief that imagination and healthy escapism are fundamental aspects of what it means to be human. It is what allows us to think of a better future and to strive towards it. These thoughts can be channeled towards positive, aspirational ends or they can be suppressed. As with most core aspects of our identity, suppression of imagination deforms our thoughts into vehicles of jealousy and base cravings.

My favorite quote from the essay (and one of my favorite quotes ever):

For fantasy is true, of course. It isn’t factual, but it is true. Children know that. Adults know it too, and that is precisely why many of them are afraid of fantasy. They know that its truth challenges, even threatens, all that is false, all that is phony, unnecessary, and trivial in the life they have let themselves be forced into living. They are afraid of dragons, because they are afraid of freedom.

I firmly believe that imagination is a muscle and just like any other, it requires exercise to be maintained. Fantasy and science fiction novels are a great way to keep your imagination in tip-top shape. Imagination is crucially important whatever you do. It’s how you see things other people don’t and set yourself apart from peers. It is also only going to become more and more important. As automation affects more jobs imagination and creativity are the qualities that will be most prized.

I hope that I have convinced you of the importance of fantasy. It’s not too late to start working out your most important mental muscle.

I have put together a list of my all-time favorite fantasy and sci-fi books for any that would like to get started.


The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

My all-time favorite series by my all-time favorite author. Brandon is the master of world-building and Stormlight is his masterpiece. Set on the broken and war-torn world of Roshar. The world of Stormlight is by far the most unique of any fantasy book I have ever read. There are twists and turns and the most epic cinematic action scenes you will read anywhere. As with most great high-fantasy novels, the Way of Kings takes some time to get going, but it is well worth the wait for the most incredible climax I’ve ever read. The best part of Sanderson is how prolific he is. The second and third installments, Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, are equally excellent and the 4th book in the series is on its way and expected to be released in late 2020.

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The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

The Wheel of Time is incredible. It’s by far my favorite complete fantasy series. There is a reason the Wheel of Time sits at the head of the modern fantasy pantheon. It starts with familiar fantasy tropes but evolves into so much more. The only thing more impressive than this series’ scope is the fact that Brandon Sanderson finished it in such a compelling way after the tragic death of the original author. The character work is especially strong. Every time you pick the book up it feels like you are hanging out with your close friends. The depth of this series really cannot be overstated. The time is right to at least read the first book (The Eye of the World) with Amazon working on the production of a live television adaption.

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Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Far into the future, the human race has populated the solar system and adopted a stratified social structure based on the precepts of Ancient Rome. The Reds are the lowest of all the different castes working as laborers and slaves until one man decides that he has had enough. This book reads like an absolute action thriller. The book’s mix of futuristic and ancient is the absolutely perfect setting for its electrifying plot. My all-time favorite sci-fi book and my trojan horse to get people into reading.


Everything else by Brandon Sanderson

Did I mention how prolific Sanderson was? The rate at which he pumps out excellent books is unreal. I have never read a book by him that I haven’t loved. They come in all shapes, sizes and settings. Some are lighter fair. Some a hefty. Westerns, sci-fi, classic fantasy, and exciting heists. Sanderson writes it all. Most of his books even take place within the same universe and are littered with easter eggs between each of them. There is one character that even makes an appearance in every book. Every book by Brandon Sanderson is worth checking out, but here are some of my favorites:

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The Gentlemen Bastards by Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of my favorite books every. It probably has the most likable and endearing main character of any book. This book is just fun. Set in a fictional city much like historic Venice, the book follows a guild of thieves on their heists, cons, and adventures. The book is laugh-out-loud funny and the action doesn’t disappoint either. I haven’t finished the series and the second book is pretty great, but the series’ initial book is an absolute standout.

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The Expanse by James S. A. Corey

A fantastic Sci-Fi series for anyone who loves space westerns. The Expanse follows the exploits of the crew of the Rocinante during a time when the human race first learns that it is not alone in the universe. The Expanse is interesting for the territory it occupies. Far enough in the future that mankind has conquered the galaxy, but near enough that the world feels strikingly familiar to our own. My go-to sci-fi series and one I am excited to dive back into soon.


The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson

The heftiest book on this list. Malazan makes other high-fantasy books look like YA novels. It is what you get when a series is written by an anthropologist. This book series does not hold your hand at all. You get the distinct feeling that you are being provided a glimpse into a world that has existed long-before you happened upon it and will continue on long after you have gone your separate ways. Despite its uncompromising nature, I can promise you that you won’t regret picking it up. I have only read the first two books, but each was absolutely top-notch (Deadhouse Gates was especially epic).


The Dark Tower by Stephen King

Calling The Dark Tower a fantasy series is only suitable because there is no other category it could possibly fit into. Part minimalist western, part fantasy with noble knights, part metaphysical science-fiction, part classic Stephen King horror. This is a book that defies classification but is excellent nonetheless. This is a series where you need to read at least the first three books before you are going to have much of an idea of what is going on. Stick with it. It’s worth it.

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The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

In fantasy, there are two archetypal subgenres. Noblebright is the optimistic stories where the heroes win out over evil and make friends along the way. Grimdark novels are the brutal worlds where every relationship ends in a backstab and where life is nasty, brutish, and short. The First Law is Grimdark. If you like Game of Thrones but figure it could use some more brutal action, you will love The First Law. I’ve never read a book with as savage and violent fight scenes. Saving Private Ryan with swords. It’s awesome.

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The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

One of the more cerebral sci-fi books I have ever read. If you like to stretch your intellectual horsepower while reading this is the book for you. Unsolved physics problems, alien video games, and the Chinese Cultural Revolution combine to make a very good, very unique book.

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A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin

The book series that needs no introduction. Remember how good the first few seasons of Game of Thrones were? That’s because they had the books for source material. The world you know and love but better than ever on the written page. Buyer beware. I’ve talked about how prolific of a writer Brandon Sanderson is. George R. R. Martin is the opposite. A Feast for Crows came out in 2005. A Dance with Dragons came out in 2011. The Winds of Winter is supposedly forthcoming but, at this point, who knows? The books are great, but if you are going to pick them up, don’t plan on finishing them anytime soon.


The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss

Oh, the Kingkiller Chronicles. I almost didn’t put this one up here. The first time I read this series I absolutely loved it. The first book was especially fantastic. The second time through (yes I am one of those weird people who likes reading books multiple times) I realized that the only person who was more into himself than the main character was the other. Mileage may vary here. I am including it because many people absolutely adore it and I was one of them until not so long ago. This is another book whose ending seems further and further away by the day. The first two books were released within 4 years of each other but that was 9 years ago…

There. That should keep you busy for awhile. Keep reading. Hold onto that sense of wonder we all have within us. Don’t fear dragons.

And most of all—

Don’t stop imagining. The day that you do is the day that you die.